Handmade Soap “Pure Michigan”

Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $7.10.

Look what washed up onto shore!

Close your eyes and let this wonderful blue and white “Pure Michigan” soap transport you to a sandy beach near Lake Michigan with this fresh, crisp, clean scent. Take a trip beachside with this handcrafted SOAPY creation. Lightly scented with ocean breeze fragrance.

Beautifully decorated with handcrafted Shea Butter seashell embeds. Apricot kernel meal slightly exfoliates the skin that is good for the whole body.

Wake up your senses with this luxury soap that YOU deserve, because YOU deserve more than just a basic bar of soap!

*the price is per 1 item.

**SOAPY isn’t massive production so each product can slightly differ in color or shade from the one that you see on the picture.

6 in stock (can be backordered)